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About Maine YAC

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Young Agents Committee (YAC) Guidelines

Who Is A Young Agent?

A Young Agent is anyone who has worked in the insurance industry less than five years or who is 40 years of age or younger.  A “young agent" does not have to be a licensed insurance agent. 

What Does A Young Agent Do?

The MIAA actively encourages young agents to participate in association affairs, recognizing that they are the insurance leaders of the future!  Our commitment is evidenced by the fact that many past and present MIAA Board members are past Chairs of the Young Agents Committee.  The purpose of the Maine Young Agents Committee is to encourage young agent involvement in the Maine Insurance Agents Association.  This involvement promotes and develops a source of new talent to operate within a training environment to develop the future leaders of the Maine Insurance Agents Association. 

The Objectives of the Maine Young Agents Committee are:

  • To perpetuate the support of MIAA
  • To promote involvement in, and awareness of, local and state activities of the MIAA
  • To develop leadership abilities of young agents in Maine
  • To maintain an effective means of communication with other young agents in the state
  • To conduct and maintain a financially self supporting young agents committee
  • To promote involvement in national activities of the IIABA, PIA and the National YAC Committee


  • To conduct an annual sales and leadership conference each year
  • To present the Company of the Year Award
  • To conduct the Agent/Company Golf Outing
  • To conduct informational presentations to Maine High Schools / Promote & Volunteer with the Invest Program
  • Participate in various community events & initiatives

The committee shall consist of no more than 30 members including a chairperson, co-chair & past chair.  Of the 30 total members, no more than 10 insurance company representatives are eligible for membership on the committee.  Before a member can be appointed to the position of Chair or Vice Chair, the member must have served as a committee member for two years.  If there is no member who qualifies as vice chair, the chairperson will appoint a vice chair.  Company representatives may not serve as chairperson or vice chair.  The past chair may remain on the committee for an additional year and may continue thereafter until he/she no longer meets the qualifications of a young agent.  A committee member may not have more than two unexcused meeting absences per year.  The absence must be reported to the YAC staff liaison prior to the meeting.  More than two unexcused absences will be grounds for dismissal.  The staff liaison will notify members of committee meetings.

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2025 MIAA Partners supporting Maine Young Agents 

2024-2025 Young Agents Committee 
Carissa Chipman, CLCS
Chalmers Insurance
Vice Chairwoman
Savannah Harriman AAI
Tapley Insurance Agency
Immediate Past Chairwoman
Meesha Luce, ACSR 
Allen Agency 

Amber Dangler
HB Insurance

Cameron Anderson, CPCU 
MMG Ins Co 
Conor Sullivan, CPCU, WCP

Jacob Sperber, CPCU
Patrons Insurance

Jasmyn Rose, CPIA, ACSR
Cheney Insurance 

Kelly Pfeffer, AU, AINS
Patriot Insurance
Kyle Derosier, MBA
Cross Insurance 

Lucas Anderson 
FA Peabody Co 

Melissa Jalbert 
Hanover Insurance 

Michael Jamison
Clark Insurance 
Mikaela Nida-Eldridge, ACSR
Rousseau Insurance 
Nick Esty, AINS, AIS
Burns & Wilcox
Ryan Lefebvre, AAI, WCP
Philadelphia Insurance Companies 

Tanner Paladino 
Bilodeau Insurance 

Tyler Sweisford, CLP,  CPCU
Vermont Mutual 



MIAA Liaison to YAC
Shannnon Gorman, AAI