Start your new hires off right with our self study and online training in insurance essentials, coverages, business skills and more. Investing in your new employees with the proper education and training from the beginning can put them on the path to greater long-term success for your agency. MIAA members received discounted pricing on these education and training programs.
Stage Your New Hire Training Plan 7.7.21.docx
Looking for industry training for new employee? My Agency Campus is the perfect solution! The MIAA has partnered with New Level Partners to bring online training to new hires in the insurance industry. Online learning is ideal for new hires and job changers and is an excellent way to fit coverage education into the workday. Our new hire training is on-demand, interactive, cost-effective and measurable! Select a specific curriculum package based on individual needs. Exercises and quizzes provide an interactive learning experiene. Individuals have four months to complete a selected curriculum, with each unit averages 30-40 minutes long.
My Agency Campus has three main paths for learning;
Designed for NEW Team Members with little to no experience in the insurance profession
Introduction to the Insurance Industry (5 courses) $ 80 Now Approved for 2 CEC's In Maine - course #26440
Commercial Lines Coverage Basics (21 courses) $275 Now Approved for 11 CEC's In Maine - course#26438
Personal Lines Coverage Basics (17 courses) $175 Now Approved for 8 CEC's In Maine - course #26439
Key Concepts in Risk Management and Underwriting (5 courses) $125
Designed for Team Members looking to grow and expand technical skills
Client Management - Commercial Lines Coverage plus Essentual Skills Jump-Start! (26 courses) $315
Client Management - Personal Risk Coverage plus Essential Skills Jump-Start! (22 courses) $215
Sales - Commercial Lines Coveraeg plus Essentaial Skills Jump-Start! (29 courses) $345
Sales - Personal Risk Coverage plus Essential Skills Jump-Start! (25 courses) $245
Key Concepts in Risk Management and Underwriting! (5 courses) $125
Team Leader Start-up (6 courses) $125
Insurance and Business Skills Basics for the Intern (9 courses) $ 95
Designed for Team members looking to build and develop professional skill sets
Advanced Communication and Negotiation Skills (5 courses) $ 80
Leading Successful Projects and Meetings (3 courses) $ 80
Client Management Essentials (6 courses) $ 80
Business Communication Fundamentals (5 courses) $ 80
Leadership Fundamentals (6 courses) $245
Risk Solutions IQ Training
Sales Training for NEW Commercial Lines Producers and Account Executives!
This is a 10 week interactive virtual classroom program where participants acquire new skills to assess risk hazards, exposures and coverage gaps while practicing their value proposition. RSIQ incorporates independent study with four "live learning" web sessions led by an expert mentor and providing extensive discussion and Q&A. The four segments are: Commercial Property, CGL/Producers, Workers Comp and Final Case Presentations.

EXCEED, a service of WebCE® is a uniquely different training experience developed by industry experts engages adult learners with interactive elements, application-based content, and builds upon what they already know. EXCEED is designed for every level of a producer to develop talent from licensing to retirement to create a comprehensive knowledge base shared between all members of the team.
Sign up for a
FREE demo to see it in action.
Courses are for training purposes only. No CE credits will be awarded for any products completed.
EXCEED Product Demo | P&C Insurance Training | Special Offer | WebCE
Pre-Licensing Classes & Live Webinar Options
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Property & Casualty - Maine Study book includes the Practice Exam
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Online LIVE Webinar options
Click here for live webinar class dates and registration
Purchase Self Study Licensing Tools
Purchase PC or LH Pass Packages - Includes the Study Workbook and an online Practice Exam