CSR Sales Master Class - Learn more here
More offerings from Sheldon;
How to turn best intentions into sustainable action - geared for all audiences!
Join Sheldon Snodgrass, the Steady Sales Coach for a fast-paced, action-planning session on how to turn your best intentions into sustainable action to improve any outcome that's important to you. You read articles, business books and newsletters. You attend workshops, seminars and conferences. You get fired up, and then fizzle. It's human nature. Why do so many great sales ideas wither on the vine? Why does it seem so hard to implement initiatives that generate consistent results? This power-packed presentation will tie pioneering work in the field of positive psychology to your own business building action plan so you can turn your best intentions into sustainable results. You will identify a low-cost, high return business initiative, then start a 30-60-90 day action plan to fully implement your idea so that it is repeatable, profitable and pleasurable.
Learn more here

Sheldon also offers sales classes on demand - learn more below;
Insurance CSR Sales Master Class - "Ignite your sales confidence, comfort, and success as you become a catalyst for agency growth and client retention. Through six, entertaining, self-paced lessons you will cross-sell and up-sell, handle objections, generate referrals, and close new business inquiries with greater consistency and joy. By combining real-world experience from insurance agents and carriers of all sizes across the country with deep wisdom about human behavior and adult learning theory, this handbook will erode any limiting beliefs you have about your sales ability, your customer's willingness to buy, and your own capacity to achieve personal goals not just at work but in any area of your life."

J. Sheldon Snodgrass
Serve Better. Sell More.
Watch sales life lessons here
413-244-2294 www.SteadySales.com
Agency Performance Partners - Improve Sales, Growth & Retention

Kelly Donahue-Piro and her team are working with agents in Maine and across the country to help improve agency results. She was a guest speaker at the Fall Virtual Summit and received rave reviews! We learned about "EATING THE FROG" and how to be a tigger! Intrigued in learning more? MIAA has partnered with Agency Performance Partners to bring you additional resouces to help your agency grow.
Are you ready to take your agency to the next level? To grow your bottom line and earn rave reviews? To build a brilliant and memorable brand? Agency Performance Partners will help your agency reach your most ambitious goals, leaving your competition in the dust.
Why settle for great when you could be Ridiculously Amazing!
Click here to learn more!
CPIA Desgination Program

The CPIA Designation Program is offered once a year in Maine. The AIMS Society's Certified Professional Insurance Agent (CPIA) Designation is the first-of-its kind, hands-on, how-to training. To earn the CPIA designation, candidates are required to participate in a series of three, one-day Insurance Success Seminars. These Seminars are designed to enhance the ability of producers, sales support staff and company personnel to efficiently create and distribute effective insurance programs. Participants leave with ideas that will produce increased sales results immediately.
This 3 day course is approved for a total of 22 CEC's in Maine. You must attend each day to receive the CPIA designation and there is no exam affilitaed with obtaining your CPIA.
These seminars will be offered in 2023 Presented by Dawn Halkyard, CPIA.
Check the MIAA Calendar for scheduled dates
AIMS Society website
Risk Solutions IQ Training
Sales Training for NEW Commercial Lines Producers and Account Executives!
Risk Solutions IQ is a comprehensive and interactive Learning and Development experience for P&C professionals to develop participants' risk assessment and coverage knowledge with practical, skill-based learning.
By utilizing advanced 'Virtual Learning' Instructional Design, RSIQ delivers superior learning for Commercial Property, Commercial General Liability and Workers Compensation through: Short Video Coverage Overview Fully-Narrated Online Courses Industry Expert Articles Interactive Case Studies Engaging Live Learning Web-Learning Sessions.
Upon completion of the 10-week program, participants will have acquired and practiced new skills to assess risk hazards, exposures and coverage gaps as part of a new client acquisition or existing account management process.
Learn more and Register here