MIAA wants to be your first resource for education. We are proud to bring you online educational opportunities in which you can supplement your technical insurance knowledge and earn continuing education credits for your Maine Producer license. Our online programs offer a
tremendous variety of course topics to choose from - everything from Ethics to Flood to Cyber Security.
We offer a variety of up to date webinars to watch at the office (group setting is also available), in the comfort of your home or anywhere on the go! There are topics covering Personal Lines, Commercial Lines, E&O, Ethics and more! These are LIVE webinars so no exam at the end and all are approved for 3 CEC's. All of our Ethics webinars meet the Maine State licensing requirement.
NEW E&O Webinars are now available! Approved for E&O policy credits!
OUR MOST POPULAR ONLINE OPTION ARE THESE LIVE WEBINARS - Shannon files the CEC's with the State within 24 hours of taking the webinar. The link to join the webinar is included in your registration confirmation and a reminder is sent 48 hours before the webinar. You do need speakers with your computer and there is no calling in. You are able to take these with your phone or ipads.
View the options on our Education Calendar
WebCE Video on Demand Available 24/7
Education gives you an edge in your career. Whether you’re pursuing continuing education to fulfill a requirement or your own curiosity, WebCE is here to help you accomplish your goals. Our mission is to make the entire education process enjoyable. Get the edge you are looking for with continuing education courses from WebCE.
MIAA Members receive a 10% discount when entering from the MIAA site, and MIAA receives a small revenue share - let's partner on this! Click here to view the on demand courses.
Available 24/7
Are you looking for NEW Video learning for Interns? We have Training modules for you with EXCEED.
Click here to learn more

CEU.com Video on Demand Available 24/7 Through the MIAA partnership with CEU.com, you will be provided a 35% discount on
any of their quality continuing education courses when you register
through the MIAA website. Click the CEU.com banner above to get started.
Available 24/7
Click here to learn more
Video On Demand at the MIAA Office
Available courses: Ethics, Auto Rental, Commercial Property (Direct vs Indirect), and Homeowners 2011
Contact Shannon (shannon@maineagents.net) to schedule a visit to the Association office
Approved for 3 CEC's each
$50 per course/per agent
Bring your popcorn!
ABEN - Informational Only (No CE)
The Agents & Brokers Education Network (ABEN) is a joint project of state insurance and brokers associations who have a common goal: IMPROVING THE QUALITY AND ACCESSIBILITY OF DISTANCE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE TO THEIR MEMBERS
Soft Skills Webinars ON DEMAND
- Anti-Bullying & Sensitivity
- DEI in the Remote Work Era
- How to Make Difficult People Disappear....Without Going to Jail
- Keys to Building an Inclusive Cultually Competent Workplace
- Organizational Effectiveness & Communication
- Thrive Amidst the Chaos
Click here to learn more and see informational offerings